Oral communications
74. Green’s function methods for quantum chemistry,
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemistry, Copenhagen, Denmark (Dec 2024). -
73. Excited-state-specific functionals of the asymmetric Hubbard dimer,
Workshop on Quantum Theory: Foundations and Extensions of Density-Functional Theory, Oslo, Norway (Dec 2024). -
72. Green’s function methods for quantum chemistry,
11th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics, Qingdao, China (Oct 2024). -
71. Green’s function methods for quantum chemistry,
Workshop on New Developments in Quantum Chemistry, Karlsruhe, Germany (Oct 2024). -
70. Cumulant Green’s function methods for molecules,
Faraday Discussion on Correlated Electronic Structure, London, UK (July 2024). -
69. New Electronic Structure Methodologies for Electronic Excited States,
ESCMQC 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark (June 2024). -
68. Green’s function methods in quantum chemistry,
ISTPC summer school, Aussois, France (June 2024). -
67. Post-Hartree-Fock methods,
ISTPC summer school, Aussois, France (June 2024). -
66. New Electronic Structure Methodologies for Electronic Excited States,
Department of Chemistry, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland (April 2024). -
65. New Electronic Structure Methodologies for Electronic Excited States,
Prospective Meeting on Excited States, Rennes, France (March 2024). -
64. CIPSI: selected configuration interaction methods for ground and excited states,
IQTC meeting 2023, Barcelona, Spain (September 2023). -
63. A similarity renormalization group (SRG) approach to GW,
3rd Quantum International Frontiers 2023, Lodz, Poland (June 2023). -
62. CIPSI: selected configuration interaction methods for ground and excited states,
TREX workshop on electronic structure methods for strong correlation, Lodz, Poland (April 2023). -
61. A similarity renormalization group (SRG) approach to GW,
62nd Sanibel symposium 2023, St Augustine Beach, Florida, US (February 2023). -
60. Many-body perturbation theory à la coupled cluster,
NHISS 2022, Jeju island, South Korea (December 2022). -
59. The electron correlation problem,
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France (November & December 2022). -
58. Hierarchy configuration interaction and state-specific approaches for excited states,
MES 2022, Monastir, Tunisia (September 2022). -
57. State-specific coupled cluster for excited states,
WATOC 2022, Vancouver, Canada (July 2022). -
56. The elephant in the room of Green’s function methods,
Theoretical Chemist Meeting, Bordeaux, France (June 2022). -
55. Green’s function-based methods in chemistry,
International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC), Aussois, France (June 2022). -
54. Hartree-Fock and post-Hartree-Fock methods: Computational aspects,
International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC), Aussois, France (June 2022). -
53. Accurate FCI correlation energies and reduced density matrices,
International Conference on reduced density matrix theory for quantum many-fermion systems, San Sebastian, Spain (June 2022). -
52. Benchmarking multiconfigurational methods for vertical excitation energies,
10th OpenMolcas Developers’ meeting, Upssala, Sweden, jointly with Martial Boggio-Pasqua (June 2022). -
51. Systèmes quantiques simples pour mieux comprendre la physique et chimie des systèmes complexes,
Seminaire SFP Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse, France (May 2022). -
50. Unphysical discontinuities, intruder states and regularization in GW methods,
Discussion meeting on correlation (GDR REST), Palaiseau, France (April 2022). -
49. Higher roots of the Schroedinger equation,
NanoX-FeRMI days 2022, Toulouse, France (March 2022). -
48. Higher roots of the Schroedinger equation,
University of New Brunswick, Department of Chemistry, online (December 2021). -
47. Higher roots of the Schroedinger equation,
NHISS 2021: Light-Matter Interaction: Theory meets Experiment, online (November 2021). -
46. Hartree-Fock and post-Hartree-Fock methods,
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France (October 2021). -
45. The Hartree-Fock approximation,
European Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM), online (September 2021). -
44. Traditional and variational coupled cluster for ground and excited states,
TSRC workshop “Advances in Theory of Electronic Resonances”, online (July 2021). -
43. GW/BSE methods in chemistry: Computational aspects,
International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC), online (June 2021). -
42. Hartree-Fock and post-Hartree-Fock methods: Computational aspects,
International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC), online (April 2021). -
41. Panorama of the methods in quantum chemistry,
Workshop on wave-function methods in quantum chemistry and nuclear physics, online (February 2021). -
40. Higher roots of the Schroedinger equation,
Journée “Théorie, Modélisation et Simulation”, online (November 2020). -
39. Weight dependence of local exchange-correlation functionals in ensemble density-functional theory: double excitations in two-electron systems,
New horizons in density-functional theory, Faraday Discussion, online (September 2020). -
38. GW, BSE, eDFT, RPA, and pina colada,
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (March 2020). -
37. Selected CI for excited states,
Computation and Understanding in Quantum Molecular Science, Toulouse, France (September 2019). -
36. Quantum Chemistry in the Complex Domain,
102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Quebec City, Canada (June 2019). -
35. Green functions and self-consistency: an unhappy marriage?
CECAM workshop: Green’s function methods: the next generation 4, Lausanne, Switzerland (May 2019). -
34. Quantum Chemistry in the Complex Domain,
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (March 2019). -
33. Theory and implementation of DFT-based methods,
TCCM winter school LTTC , Luchon, France (January 2019). -
32. Selected CI and Jastrow-Free QMC Methods for Excited States,
Donostia International Physics Center, Donastia, Spain (December 2018). -
31. Selected CI and Jastrow-free QMC methods for Chemistry,
Molecular Electronic Structure, Metz, France (August 2018). -
30. Green functions and self-consistency: an unhappy marriage?,
Strong correlation in electronic structure theory, Strasbourg, France (June 2018). -
29. Selected CI and Jastrow-free QMC methods for Chemistry,
Department of Chemistry, University of Cambrige, Cambridge, UK (May 2018). -
28. Theory and implementation of DFT-based methods,
TCCM winter school LTTC , Luchon, France (January 2018).
Materials for the TCCM DFT workshop can be found here. -
27. Dressing the CI matrix with explicit correlation,
TouCAM 2017, Toulouse, France (November 2017). -
26. Expensive methods, cusps, integrals and other stuff,
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, (September 2017). -
25. Dressing the CI matrix with explicit correlation,
WATOC 2017, Munich, Germany (August 2017). -
24. Electron-nucleus cusp dressing in single-determinant wave functions,
17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Cadiz, Spain (July 2017). -
23. Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases,
University of Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France (June 2017). -
22. Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases,
Workshop on “Theory and applications of RPA and beyond in physics and chemistry”, Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris, France (May 2017). -
21. Density-functional theory using finite uniform electron gases,
University of Nantes, Nantes, France (March 2017). -
20. Excited states of Wigner crystals,
Australian Symposium in Computational Chemistry, Perth, Australia (December 2016). -
19. Three-electron integrals over Gaussian basis functions,
Molecular Electronic Structure, Buenos Aires, Argentina (September 2016). -
18. One-dimensional Chemistry,
New Zealand Institute of Chemistry Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand (August 2016). -
17. Nodal surfaces in quasi-exactly solvable models,
16th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Cadiz, Spain (July 2016). -
16. Density-functional theory for molecules,
2nd Quantum and Computational Chemistry Student Conference, New Zealand (June 2016). -
15. Density-functional theory using finite and infinite uniform electron gases,
Department of Chemistry, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand (May 2016).
Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand (June 2016). -
14. Three-electron coalescence points,
7th Asia-Pacific Conference in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (January 2016). -
13. How Good are the Hartree-Fock Nodes? (for spin-up electrons on a sphere),
Molecular Electronic Structure Workshop, Amasya, Turkey (September 2014). -
12. Electronic Structure Calculations in a 1D world,
Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps IX, Italy (July 2014). -
11. DFT and Chemistry in 1D,
14th Theoretical Chemist Meeting, Paris, France (July 2014). -
10. Quantum Monte Carlo for electrons,
Quantum and Computational Chemistry Student Conference, New Zealand (June 2014). -
9. Generalized Local Density Approximation in One Dimension,
Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps VIII, Italy (July 2013). -
8. Lessons from electron(s) on a (hyper)sphere,
Physics colloquium, University of Melbourne, Australia (June 2013). -
7. Lessons from electron(s) on sphere(s),
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Oberwolfach, Germany (June 2011). -
6. Correlation energy of two-electron systems in the high-density limit,
Chemistry and Biochemistry group, Nancy, France (July 2010). -
5. L’attaque de l’electron masque (de basse energie),
COTAW, Namur, Belgium (September 2008). -
4. Traitement des systemes d’interets biologiques par la methode Local Self-Consistent Field,
11th Theoretical Chemist Meeting, Dinard, France (July 2008). -
3. UV/Vis spectra of Poly(L-glutamic acid) featuring photochromic azobenzene side chain,
6th Eastern Theoretical Chemist Meeting, Strasbourg, France (September 2007). -
1. Etude theorique des effets de solvant sur les geometries et les spectroscopies des coumarines,
Applied Theoretical Chemistry Group, Namur, Belgium (September 2006).
4. A tale of two electrons: correlation at high density,
12th Theoretical Chemists Meeting, Namur, Belgium (July 2010). -
3. Single-strand breaks induced by low-electrons in DNA,
Methods and Applications of Computational Chemistry: 2nd Symposium, Kiev, Ukraine (July 2007).
6th Eastern Theoretical Chemist Meeting, Strasbourg, France (July 2007). -
2. Self-Consistent Localized Bond Orbitals within the Local Self-Consistent Field method,
5th Eastern Theoretical Chemist Meeting, Reims, France, (July 2007).
15th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson MS, US (July 2007). -
1. Taking the core electrons into account to improve the hybrid Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Frontier ,
10th Theoretical Chemist Meeting, Nancy, France (July 2006).
International Society of Quantum Biology and Pharmacology, ISQBP President’s Meeting, Strasbourg, France (July 2007)