Welcome to the group webpage

The aim of our research group is to tackle fundamental problems in Chemistry and Physics using Mathematical techniques with a specific emphasis on excited states in molecular systems. The group’s interest lies at the interface between Physics and Chemistry, and mainly focuses on developing highly-accurate electronic structure methods as well as simple approximations that are accurate enough to have chemical and physical usefulness.

If you would like to discuss joining the group or working on a project, please email me.


  • Sep 2024: Yann Damour has submitted his PhD manuscript. Congrats Yann!
  • Jul 2024: Fabris Kossoski secured a permanent CNRS position. Congrats Fabris!
  • Apr 2024: Our group is organizing the end-of-term PTEROSOR workshop on emerging electronic structure methods for excited states in April 2025. More info here.
  • Apr 2024: Abdallah Ammar has joined the group as a postdoc. Welcome Abdallah!
  • Dec 2023: Roberto Orlando has successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Exploring new exchange-correlation kernels in the Bethe-Salpeter equation”. Congratulations Dr Orlando!
  • Oct 2023: Enzo Monino has successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Green’s function methods for charged and neutral excitations”. Congratulations Dr Monino!
  • Oct 2023: The GDR NBODY is organizing a two-day workshop on model systems in quantum mechanics (MSQM) on Jan 11-12th 2024 in Toulouse.
  • Sep 2023: Sara Giarrusso has left the group. Good luck for the future Sara!
  • Jul 2023: Sara Giarrusso has been awarded a MSCA postdoctoral fellowship and will leave us at the end of September. Congratulations Sara!
  • May 2023: Raul Quintero-Monsebaiz has left the group. Good luck for the future Raul!
  • Feb 2023: Sara Giarrusso has joined the group as a postdoc. Welcome Sara!
  • Oct 2022: Our group is organizing the mid-term PTEROSOR workshop on emerging electronic structure methods for excited states in April 2023. More info here.
  • Oct 2022: Antoine Marie has joined the group as a PhD student. Welcome (back) Antoine!
  • Jan 2022: We are organizing the 2nd general meeting of the GDR NBODY. Please, join us online!
  • Dec 2021: Mika Veril has successfully defended his PhD. Congrats Mika!
  • Dec 2021: New website is up and running!
  • Oct 2021: Yann Damour has joined the group as a PhD student. Welcome Yann!
  • Sep 2021: Mika Veril has submitted his PhD dissertation entitled “Electronic transitions, statistics and digital tools for quantum chemistry”. Congratulations Mika!
  • Mar 2021: Raul Quintero-Monsebaiz is going to join the group in a few weeks as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Raul!
  • Dec 2020: The website of the PTEROSOR project is up and running!
  • Dec 2020: The QUEST website is officially online and the corresponding publication submitted!
  • Sep 2020: Fabris Kossoski is going to join the group as a postdoctoral fellow from Oct. Welcome Fabris!
  • Jun 2020: The ERC PTEROSOR project has officially started!
  • Apr 2020: Two new PhD students (Enzo Monino and Roberto Orlando) will join the group in September to start their PhD.
  • Feb 2020: Great news again! Pina Romaniello and I secured a 80|Prime fellowship from the MITI to work on ensemble/multireference GW methods.
  • Dec 2019: Good news alert: the PTEROSOR project has been funded by the ERC and will be running for the next 5 years.

BREAKING NEWS: Quantum Package 2.0 is out!!


We are delighted to announce the release of QP2 for fast, accurate and scalable selected CI calculations. Full paper can be found here.


Our group has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 863481)