
Giuseppe Barca (Australian National University, Australia)

Accelerating quantum chemistry by orders of magnitude with the EXtreme-scale Electronic Structure System (EXESS)

Stefano Battaglia (U of Zurich, Switzerland)

New variants of the CASPT2 method

Timothy Berkelbach (Columbia U, US)

Excitations in solids with EOM-CCSD: Where do we stand?

Xavier Blase (Institut Neel, France)

GW and Bethe-Salpeter calculations embedded in very large scale dielectric environment

Katharina Boguslawski (Nicolaus Copernicus U, Poland)

Targeting excited states with simplified coupled cluster methods

George Booth (King’s College, UK)

A fresh perspective on Green’s function methods

Andreea Filip (Cambridge, UK)

Quantum Monte Carlo Ideas for Near-Term Quantum Computing Algorithms

Claudia Filippi (U of Twente, Netherland)

Targeting excited states with quantum Monte Carlo

Emmanuel Fromager (U of Strasbourg, France)

Ensemble density-functional theory of electrons and nuclei

Peter Gill (U of Sydney, Australia)

Economical Models for Electron Densities

Tim Gould (Griffith U, Australia)

Electronic structure of excited states from ensemble density functional theory

Emmanuel Giner (Sorbonne U, France)

Transcorrelation made feasible

Joshua Hollett (U of Winnipeg, Canada)

On the two-electron nature of excited states

Denis Jacquemin (U of Nantes, France)

The QUEST database of ultra-accurate excited-state energies, oscillator strengths, dipoles, and geometries

Thomas Jagau (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Describing unbound electrons by complex-valued energies

Fabris Kossoski (U of Toulouse, France)

State-specific configuration interaction for excited states

Joonho Lee (Columbia U, US)

Variational Theory of Charge Excitations in Solids Coupled to Lattice Vibrations

Gianluca Levi (U of Iceland, Iceland)

Density functional calculations of excited states with orbital optimization using saddle point search methods

Eduard Matito (DIPC, Spain)

How reliable are modern density functional approximations to simulate vibrational spectroscopies?

Carlos Mejuto Zaera (SISSA, Italy)

Self-consistency in GWΓ formalism leading to quasiparticle-quasiparticle couplings

Eric Neuscamman (Berkeley, US)

New developments in excited-state-specific correlation methods

Kasia Pernal (Lodz U, Poland)

Excited state energy calculation with wavefunction-adiabatic-connection methods

Lucia Reining (Polytechnique, France)

About the use of model results to design functionals

Pina Romaniello (U of Toulouse, France)

Photoemission spectroscopy from the three-body Green’s function

Anthony Scemama (U of Toulouse, France)

TREXIO: user-friendly I-O library for quantum chemists

Sandeep Sharma (U of Colorado, US)

Efficient hybrid DFT for periodic systems

Alexander Sokolov (Ohio State U, US)

New multireference approaches for electron correlation and spin–orbit coupling in excited states and spectra

Alex Thom (Cambridge, UK)

Excited States from holomorphic NOCI

Julien Toulouse (Sorbonne U, France)

Two strategies for continuum excited states: Robin boundary conditions and semiclassical approximations

Morgane Vacher (U of Nantes, France)

Non-adiabatic excited state dynamics